Building material including cement, bricks, wood etc. must be strong enough to withstand the harsh weather conditions. The demand for such material has been rising in the market. There are several biological processes causing aging and damage to buildings. Partly this is due to natural ageing of materials, and partly it is caused by excess moisture. Hence it is important to test the effects of humidity on products prior production using and efficient Humidity Chamber.
The demands on durability, energy balance and health of houses are continually rising. For mould development, the minimum (critical) ambient humidity requirement is shown to be between RH 80 and 95 % depending on other factors like ambient temperature, exposure time, and the type and surface conditions of building materials. For decay development, the critical humidity is above RH 95 %. Mould typically affects the quality of the adjacent air space with volatile compounds and spores. Decay development forms a serious risk for structural strength depending on moisture content, materials, temperature and time.
Evaluating the humidity effects will help in ensuring the durability of different building materials and structures. The testing make it possible to analyse the critical conditions needed for the start of biological growth, but it is also a tool to measure the progress of mould and decay development under different conditions. Numerical simulation makes it possible to evaluate the risk and development of mould growth on the structure surfaces. Thus the moisture capacity and moisture transport properties in the material and at the surface layer have to be taken into account in the simulations.
Presto’s Humidity Test chambers can aid reliable testing by subjecting various products to environmental extremes like humidity, temperature. It is able to provide quick temperature change rates and humidity conditions required for analysing the effects of ecological changes on the product. The product helps to judge the reliability and quality of various products like plastics, rubbers, electronic goods, automobile parts and semiconductor devices, etc. The procedure of the equipment relies on the principle of accelerated environmental testing.
It is ideally designed with sophisticated technology to maintain designated temperature and humidity at set points controllable by the user at the front control panel. The machine is equipped with highly insulated glass wool Ergonomic that ensures lowest heat loss ratio. The machine has completely digital controls. Air is constantly circulated throughout the chamber which can be easily monitored from the transparent glass for comparison to set points and can be treated if necessary. Heating is done by the electric heaters that can turn on and turn off for temperature control.