The Pet products are used in a variety of industries for the purpose of the packaging of the products such as food items, pharmaceutical products, chemical compounds, household products and so forth. These products are mostly in liquid forms hence they are packaged in PET products. The most common problem faced by these products is that they can easily be spilled over of the packaging material used for them is not of the best quality. The manufacturers of these products need to make sure that the PET bottles they are suing for packaging, are free from any sort of quality defect and are efficient enough to provide best safety and hygiene to the products.
The PET bottles that are used for packaging these products must be tested for any sort of leakage so that the products inside them do not spill out of the packaging during storage and transit. The best way to ensure this is to use vacuum leak testing. The best vacuum leak testing methods involves using a testing equipment called vacuum leak tester. The vacuum leak tester is one of the best testing instrument which helps the manufacturers in testing the leakage integrity of the PET bottles with the help of a high amount of vacuum. This helps in analyzing whether the test sample is free from any leakage or not.
Presto is major supplier and manufacturer of highly precise and accurate vacuum leak testers that are used in PET industries for best quality assurance purpose of the PET products. The instrument is manufactured with adherence to all the international quality testing standards and comes with a user manual for simple operation.