Produce Corrosion Free Products with Salt Spray

Produce Corrosion Free Products with Salt Spray

The Salt Spray test is a most popular test method that determines the corrosion resistance properties of coating or plating done on metals and other ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.

Generally, the salt spray test is performed on metals finished with coating or plating. The coating or plating on metal works as a  protective layer that save the metals from corrosion.  The Salt Spray test is a corrosion test that produces corrosion attack on the coating and samples to analyze the quality of the plating so that it can be used as a protective finish. The effect of corrosion on the metals is observed after a  specific period of time. Test duration of salt spray test is set on the basis of coating. For more corrosion, longer time period needs to be set.

Salt Spray is a quick corrosion test that helps to analyze the expected life of the coating as corrosion is a very difficult process and is effected only due to different environmental conditions and external factors. The standard application of salt spray test helps to quickly analyze the difference between the actual and expected corrosion.

Presto Stantest, a world famous manufacturer of metal testing instruments offers a wide range of Salt Spray Chambers. These chambers can be customized as per the requirements and demands of the customers. The Presto’s Salt Spray chamber offer highly accurate and reliable results. Hence, to produce Corrosion proof products by performing corrosion test on metal specimens, Salt Spray Chamber is a best testing instrument.