Rubbers are used in different industries for different purposes. The amazing properties of rubber materials such as elasticity, hardness, strength and many more are the basic reasons that make the rubber highly useful material. Due to the wide usage of rubbers, it is necessary for the manufacturers to test the quality of the rubber before using it for a particular application. To test the quality of the rubbers, the manufacturers need to commence quality tests at every phase of production to ensure the quality in best possible manner.
Problems & Issues that Hamper Rubbers Quality
The major problem that arises with the rubbers is the sudden changes in the mechanical and physical properties of the rubbers when they are subjected to very low temperature. When the rubber is placed at very low temperature, it makes the rubbers fragile or hard in nature that affects the elasticity of the products that create cracks or breakage on the surface of the material which can create dangerous situations at the time of its working. In order to avoid such conditions, the rubber products must be tested at a ultra-low temperature so that the actual effect of on the rubber products such as tires can be determined and its appropriateness for such application can be determined.
How Ultra Low Deep Freezer is Helpful for Quality Determinations?
The ultra-low deep freezer is the best and most useful testing device which is used in rubber industries to test the effect of the low temperature on the rubbers. The instrument helps to set extremely low temperature i.e. from -200C to -600C. The testing device offers a rigorous analysis of the strength of the rubber in terms of mechanical, chemical as well as physical properties.