Most Commonly used PET Bottle Testing Instrument |

Most Commonly used PET Bottle Testing Instrument

PET Bottle Testing Instrument

One of the largest packaging industry in the world is the PET bottle manufacturing units. Due to its properties such as its durability, barrier nature against water, moisture proof surface and resistant to chemical fumes makes the PET materials, the best solution for storage and transit options. Other than this, PET packaging is also fit for packing products with distinct forms such as solid, powder, liquid, semi-solid, or others. To establish a suitable packaging and storage for a variety of materials, it is vital that the PET material must undergo some quality tests. In this blog post, we will learn more about the use of Hot wire bottle cutter and its role as PET bottle testing instrument.

Presto’s Hot Wire Bottle Cutter is unique testing machine which is constructed to help the operators in PET bottle precise cutting and to establish improved production process and make it more responsive. Hence, it balances the repeatability and accuracy both which is important for precise testing data generation. The testing instrument is equipped with an adjusting bottle specimen holder to hold the specimen tightly during the test.