How to conduct Accurate Scratch Hardness Testing

How to conduct Accurate Scratch Hardness Testing

The property of a material which evaluates the power of the substance that weather on applying pressure it gets affected or not is called as hardness. By applying a particular amount of pressure you can observe that the product is completely damages or superficially damaged. By this, a person can estimate its hardness strength. In this blog section, we will discuss the use of scratch hardness tester in evaluating the quality of a material.

This particular test is responsible for calculating the material hardness and its resistance towards friction or rubbing with sharp points. It is noticed that if the material is scratched or not after rubbing a sharp point on its surface. This test is very much famous among material testing industry and was established in 1820 by Mr Friedrich Mohs.  The test is also helpful for ceramic surfaces or coated layers.

The Testing Method


In this test, the sample is placed on the platform and is tightened using knobs so that it does not move a bit during the test or else it can create an error in the testing data. The machine has a very sharp diamond stylus-equipped within. That stylus is placed over the sample and the time of test cycles, amount of rubs and force applied is set using the digital controls. The stylus starts moving in a continuous sliding manner over the specimen trying to scratch it. Now if your material is not scratched it is clear and if it is scratched the material is not clear. The machine and the test conduct follows ASTM G171-03 testing standards.

This particular test or use of scratch hardness tester is very important for the material industry. By utilizing the option one can decide which material is suitable to which conditions and as per their testing, they further supply them to favourable customers.