Stacking of the bottles is a common sight in the retailer shop, while transit, or while storing at manufacturing unit. The bottles are stacked over each other for long time. The load vertically coming over the bottles is distributed over all the surface and especially on the base section. Top load tester for bottles is a test equipment which is used for estimating the exact amount of load a bottle can take. A poor quality bottle having low resistance against vertical load will fail and buckle on a short span of time and a good quality bottle will not buckle a little after a long duration of stay.
The testing equipment is a new and advanced load analyzer which uses motor arrangement. It gives Compressive Buckling Load in digital values. The digital type display is a top of the line advanced read out with Auto Tare (ZERO) set features and Peak Hold course of action. The test specimen is put in the middle of the rearranged sunken jaws for zero slip holding.
Transformed straight plates for zero slip grasping help. Advanced Display for exactness and repeatability. Alternative for client to turn off machine if there should be an occurrence of clasping of test. In-house alignment facility. Peak Load Holding feature (spare in memory). Information yield in advanced type format. Profoundly precise test results under compressive power. Over load assurance.
The equipment is intended to give Compressive clasping load. The instrument is utilized for testing the heap bearing limit of the PET bottles when subjected to an extraordinary load from the Top heading. It decides precisely the most extreme load a PET holder can endure with no twisting or disappointment.