The world of material testing is constantly modifying its technique. Manufacturers demand universal testing solutions which can provide variety testing in one setup. Investing money is not a problem when the outcome is worth.
Force Measurement Testing Systems 500 delivers an all-in-one solution for Material Quality Assurance. The single-column force measurement system, suitable for performing tests like tensile, Compression, Flexural, Shear, Peel and Co-efficient of friction on various types of samples. With a 500N testing capacity, it is globally renowned for tensile and compression test. The apparatus includes a single-column test structure, automated controller, and software program.
It has been designed and manufactured by one of the leading company across the globe, L. S. Starrett. They are an American manufacturer of tools and testing instruments. Presto Stantest is an authorized supplier of Force Measurement Testing Systems 500 in India.
Flexible, durable and easy to use, the equipment delivers quality and reliability of international level. Using the Windows 7-based tablet touchscreen controller one can set the test parameters on their own or use pre-set test templates. Additionally, the controller offers a facility like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth option, and a USB portal for extracting the test data. The test data can be seen as ‘live’ or is automatically stored in the memory. The user can generate graph based on the data generated.
The systems are made with solid granite base and assure high accuracy in numerous test methods. To ensure safety and flexibility during the test process, safety limit switches and backup limits are equipped to adjust the travelling movement. Precise load cells are installed to deliver accuracy in the test. Push button controls for easy test initiation, hassle-free control and emergency stops are easily accessible and rugged.