If you are looking for an accurate testing instrument that provides an excellent and clean working area for small laboratories then we suggest you go with Laminar Air Flow Bench. This testing instrument is very popular in making the environment clean and particle-free. ..read more
If you want to commence the test without any hassle, then we suggest you follow the steps mentioned below:
In this way, you can easily commence the test and get a bacteria-free environment for performing laboratory tests. Sometimes it may happen that lights do not illuminate then it means the starter is faulty. Thus, you need to check the starter or replace it with a new one. These steps will surely help you to conduct the test without any errors. If you still find some problem then you can consult with us.
This lab testing equipment has been equipped with several advanced features that make it easy for you to commence the test. Whenever you conduct the test with this lab testing equipment, then you need to make sure about the proper electrical connection and there should not be any fluctuations in the electrical supply. Read the list of features of this lab testing equipment below:
If you are looking for an accurate testing instrument that provides an excellent and clean working area for small laboratories then we suggest you go with Laminar Air Flow Bench. This testing instrument is very popular in making the environment clean and particle-free. Presto’s Laminar Air Flow Bench is provided with a HEPA-filtered work area which is essential to maintain dust particles and a bacteria-free clean air environment. The instrument is widely used in testing laboratories to maintain the clean work area for small laboratories that provide protection and safety measures from outside harmful contaminants. The cabinet of the instrument is designed with thick sun mica clad board.
This lab testing equipment has standardized and controlled lighting conditions which makes it easy to use for a longer time. It has a wide viewing area and side panels of the testing instrument are designed using transparent Plexi-glass frames. The instrument is duly fitted with fluorescent illuminated lights at the workstation. From electronics to production pipelines this testing instrument can be used in different industries.
The inner chamber has been made of a stainless steel body with a corrosion-resistant finish. It comes with two different light sources i.e. UV Light & FL – Tube Light. The main unit of this testing instrument has been equipped with several components. It includes a control unit, main body, upper front door, lower front door, working area, HEPA filter, foot and door hinge. In the control unit of this testing equipment, you will see the digital display for viewing accurate results, functional keys, functional indicators, and power switch and indicator. As the power on switch is pressed the display shows the company name and address. The second screen shows the name of the machine: LAMINAR AIR FLOW and UV Light age to date precisely calculated through RTC (Real Time Clock) with HH: MM format. After a few seconds, the display shows the main screen with different parameters. The Menu Driven system “Menu Key” allows the user to set multiple parameters easily. To switch on U.V Light press U.V ON /OFF switch and the indicator will turn ON. As the U.V light is switched on the timer starts running at the predefined set value. Enter the desired value using the plus and minus buttons. U.V Timer is set in Min: Sec. To Switch off U.V Light manually press U.V ON/OFF switch. Else the U.V light gets switched off automatically once the timer reaches its set value. After time reaches the set value, you can press Enter and then Menu to move to the next option i.e. Blower Time Settings.
To switch ON the Blower, Press the Blower ON /OFF switch. When the Blower is switched on the timer starts running at the predefined set value. SET the required value using the Plus/Minus button. The blower timer value is set in Hours: Minutes. To switch off the Blower press Blower ON/OFF switch. Else the Blower gets switched off automatically once the timer reaches its set value. Press enter and then menu option to move to next option i.e. “exit” from menu. To switch ON/OFF the Fluorescent light press FL ON /OFF switch. To switch ON/OFF the Alarm press Alarm ON /OFF switch. In this way, you can set the parameters of this testing machine.
If you want to commence the test without any hassle, then we suggest you follow the steps mentioned below:
In this way, you can easily commence the test and get a bacteria-free environment for performing laboratory tests. Sometimes it may happen that lights do not illuminate then it means the starter is faulty. Thus, you need to check the starter or replace it with a new one. These steps will surely help you to conduct the test without any errors. If you still find some problem then you can consult with us.
This lab testing equipment has been equipped with several advanced features that make it easy for you to commence the test. Whenever you conduct the test with this lab testing equipment, then you need to make sure about the proper electrical connection and there should not be any fluctuations in the electrical supply. Read the list of features of this lab testing equipment below: