How to Test Corrugated Boxes for Vertical Impact Testing?

How to Test Corrugated Boxes for Vertical Impact Testing?

How to Test Corrugated Boxes for Vertical Impact Testing?

In the realm of packaging, ensuring the structural integrity of corrugated boxes is paramount to safeguarding the contents during transportation and handling. One important aspect of this quality assurance process is vertical impact testing or drop strength testing. It is a method designed to evaluate a box's resilience when subjected to downward forces. Using a quality lab testing instrument such as a drop tester or drop tester machine, manufacturers and quality control professionals can meticulously assess the dropping ability of corrugated boxes. Determining the box’s ability to be dropped from a certain height helps manufacturers determine the box's suitability for shipping. 

Purpose of Performing Drop Tests

The primary purpose of corrugated boxes is to protect the goods inside during transportation and storage. They act as a safeguard against external forces such as impacts, vibrations, compression, and temperature changes. The strong structural design of corrugated boxes ensures that they can withstand these forces without damaging the packaged product.

Vertical impact testing is a standardized method used to evaluate the strength and durability of corrugated boxes. It involves subjecting a box to a controlled vertical force, simulating the impacts it may experience during handling and transportation. This test measures the box's ability to withstand compressive forces and protect its contents from damage.

Importance of Performing Drop Strength Test

The Presto drop strength tester provides you with reliable information about the dropping ability of the products by stimulating real-world dropping conditions. Conducting drop tests will not only help Manufacturers in determining product integrity but also help them to make sure that the corrugated boxes will easily be tested.

Below we have listed some points that depict the importance of performing drop strength tests on the materials:

1. Ensuring Box Quality

The utilization of corrugated boxes for packaging and shipping stems from their inherent strength and cost-effectiveness. However, the potential for financial losses and damaged goods looms if these boxes cannot provide sufficient protection during transit. Vertical Drop Impact tester serves as a crucial checkpoint, guaranteeing that corrugated boxes not only meet stringent quality standards but also possess the robustness to endure impacts without compromising their structural integrity.

2. Mitigating Product Damage

The journey of packages involves exposure to stacking, vibrations, compression forces, and unforeseen impacts arising from rough handling or accidents. Inadequate packaging materials can lead to significant damage. Vertical impact testing plays a pivotal role in ascertaining whether corrugated boxes possess the resilience to withstand these external forces, ensuring they do not succumb to failure and thereby safeguarding the products housed within.

3. Regulatory Compliance

Various industries are bound by specific regulations and standards governing the packaging and transportation of their products. Sectors such as food and pharmaceuticals adhere to strict packaging guidelines to ensure product safety and integrity. Vertical impact testing becomes an indispensable tool for manufacturers, facilitating compliance with these regulations and mitigating the risks of penalties or product recalls attributable to subpar packaging.

4. Financial Prudence

Investing in strong and durable packaging pays dividends by significantly reducing the risk of product damage during transit. This not only shields goods but also safeguards businesses from financial setbacks stemming from damaged products or returns. Through meticulous vertical impact testing, manufacturers can identify vulnerabilities in their packaging design, enabling necessary enhancements to fortify product protection and, consequently, achieve cost savings in the long run.

5. Rigorous Quality Control

Integral to any manufacturing process involving corrugated boxes, vertical impact testing stands as a cornerstone of quality control. By routinely subjecting samples from production batches to such testing, businesses can promptly pinpoint issues, implement corrective measures, and ensure that their products meet and exceed market expectations in terms of durability and reliability.

These are some reasons that indicate using a high-quality drop tester is essential for quality assurance. Presto stands out as a premier manufacturer of drop testers, crafting top-notch quality testing equipment available at the most competitive and reasonable prices.

You can easily buy a drop tester by contacting our team of experts. Now, let us discuss brief information about some easy-to-follow steps for performing drop strength tests.

Steps to Perform Drop Strength Tests on the Materials

  • Begin by adjusting the platform height using the wheel located on the side of the device. Rotate it either upward or downward as needed.

  • Next, position the sample on the platform.

  • Ensure the specimen is centrally placed on the plate to ensure accurate test results.

  • Depress the handle at the back of the machine to release the sample from a predetermined height.

  • As you lower the handle, the platform door will open, allowing the sample to descend.

  • Carefully inspect the sample for any signs of damage to assess the drop strength of the corrugated box.

In this way, you can easily conduct drop strength tests on the packages. Now, let us discuss briefly the benefits of regular vertical impact tests on the materials.

Benefits of Regular Vertical Impact Testing for Corrugated Boxes

Regular vertical impact testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the quality and durability of corrugated boxes. It involves subjecting the boxes to controlled impacts that simulate real-world scenarios during handling, storage, and transportation. This type of testing allows manufacturers to identify any weaknesses or flaws in their packaging design and make necessary improvements before the boxes are put into use.

Here are some key benefits of regularly conducting vertical impact testing for corrugated boxes:

1. Ensures Structural Integrity: The primary purpose of corrugated boxes is to protect the contents inside during transit. Consistent impact testing is crucial to verify that the box's structural integrity remains intact, capable of withstanding diverse force levels without jeopardizing its capacity to safeguard the contents. This holds particular significance for delicate items or products that might undergo stacking during the shipping process.

2. Reduces Risk of Damage: By simulating different types and levels of impact, such as drops or stacking loads, vertical impact testing can help identify potential weak points in the packaging design. If these weaknesses are addressed before mass production, it can significantly reduce the risk of damage during transportation and save companies from costly product losses.

3. Improves Packaging Design: Impact testing allows manufacturers to gather valuable data on how their packaging design performs under stress. From this, a drop tester will help manufacturers assess the quality of packaging.

If you want to buy a drop tester or need more information about it, then you can give us a call at +91 9210 903 903 or email us at