Enhance the working efficiency of Metals with Corrosion Test

Enhance the working efficiency of Metals with Corrosion Test

Corrosion test or salt spray test is one of the oldest and widely used test methods that are used to measure the corrosion resistance strength of the metals. It has now become the universal test method for performing corrosion test on samples. The basic reason behind this fact is the numerous advantages of corrosion test to protect the quality of metals and to enhance the working life of the product. One of the interesting things that can be done with corrosion test is testing of multi-material. For example, with corrosion test, it is easy to test more than one type of material at a time like a coated material, a bare material, a noble material.

The salt spray test helps to create controlled corrosive environment and helps to produce the information of the product regarding its corrosion resistant property. The best way to perform the salt spray test is to make use of Salt Spray Chambers. These chambers are designed as per the international standard test method ASTM B117. The manufacturers of testing machine strictly follow the rules and regulations of the standards to produce high-quality of Salt Spray Chambers.

Presto Stantest manufactures a wide range of premium quality of chambers with customized specifications to fulfill the requirement of different applications. These devices work on different salt solutions such as NaCl, acetic acid, CASS solution, etc. to create a different type of atmospheric conditions.