Conduct Accurate Notch Test with Charpy Impact Tester

Conduct Accurate Notch Test with Charpy Impact Tester

Notch test or V-notch test are popular names used for the Charpy impact test procedure. It is a highly standardized test which helps in measuring the amount of energy absorbed by the notched sample when extreme pressure is applied to it. The test is applied in the industries as it is easy to conduct and offer the accurate and quick results regarding the ductility and strength of the materials. It can be performed with more accuracy by opting an efficient testing instrument.

Charpy Impact Tester, an efficient notch testing equipment, comprises of a pendulum of specific length and weight which is dropped from a standard height to determine the effect of impact pressure on the notched sample of material. The energy which is applied to the material can be changed according to the specifications of the sample by altering the height and weight of the hammer prior commencing the test.

Firstly, it is essential to confirm that the notch which has been made on the sample is in terms of geometrical angle and dimension. One can use a standardized notch cutter to create the required notch on the sample.  There are numerous test standards that must be followed to make a notch on the samples and to perform impact test. Some of them are ASTM E23, ISO 148-1 or EN 10045-1.

This test helps the manufacturer to assure that the metal parts they are using or producing or supplying are quality tested for V notch test. It has maximum resistance against the impact.